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20 Ways To Create Luxury in Your Everyday Life

20 Ways To Create Luxury in Your Everyday Life

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be all too easy to neglect the little luxuries. However, having an element of luxury in our lives not only enhances our enjoyment, but gives us the space to develop a sanctuary that is truly a space for comfort and satisfaction. 

While it may be difficult to add luxury to every aspect of our lives, there is always a way to embrace the finer things in life with every step we take. It could be a perfectly tailored shirt or coat, travelling in style or pampering yourself. 

Whatever luxury means to you, here are ways to add an element of luxuriousness to your everyday life. 

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  1. Start each day with a cup of coffee (or tea) and silence 
  2. Read widely and often 
  3. Dress for comfort and style
  4. Stop by your favourite café to eat, drink or simply sit 
  5. Make skin care a relaxing daily ritual 
  6. Move your body in a way you look forward to 
  7. Spritz on your signature scent 
  8. Treat yourself to one of your favourite foods 
  9. Put your feet up and have a drink 
  10. Match your music to your day 
  11. Let your mind wander towards what inspires and interests you 
  12. Wear that family heirloom or special timepiece 
  13. Take the time to groom yourself 
  14. Choose fabrics, colours and cuts that work for you
  15. Opt for quality bed linen 
  16. Personalise your accessories 
  17. Don’t set an alarm if you don’t need to 
  18. Buy fresh flowers 
  19. A hot bath never goes astray 
  20. Treat yourself in any way, no matter how big or small 

For a luxe approach to all things lifestyle, you cannot look past Lux Wine Life. 

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