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Are Your Favourite Fashion Brands Really Sustainable?

Are Your Favourite Fashion Brands Really Sustainable?

Are Your Favourite Fashion Brands Really Sustainable?

As the universal focus on climate change has increased, the impact of the fashion industry on the environment has been in the spotlight. Words like sustainable, ethical and environmental have all been splashed onto the labels of popular fashion brands, often with little consideration into the production of these items. 

According to VogueBusiness, the use of the word ‘sustainability’ has been used six times as often in luxury fragrance and fashion companies 2018 corporate reports when compared to the same reports in 2006.  

The misuse and overuse of these words has created a platform for companies to push their products, while leaving shoppers confused over which brands are the most sustainable. It was this reason which motivated the company Good On You to create an app that rates popular fashion companies in terms of sustainability. 

The easy to use app allows you to search by brand or category, while spotlighting some of the most sustainable brands in their news feed. The app rates each brand on; their use of labour and the impact across the supply chain, the environment, through their resource use and waste management, as well as the use of animal products and their animal welfare policy. 

Each brand is given a simple five-star rating by Good On You, with a link to similar, more sustainable brands. 

With climate change becoming an increasing problem, apps like Good On You can help us to do our part in reducing our environmental impact. The question remains, are the fashion brands you buy sustainable? 

See Also
Sustainable Shopping 101

By Zoe Moffatt

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