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Explore Cambodia In Extravagant Style On This Private Tour

Explore Cambodia In Extravagant Style On This Private Tour

Aqua Mekong Observation Deck

Journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh on a luxury cruise.

If you’re looking for a nation that will connect you with the culture, history and beauty of Southeast Asia, look no further than Cambodia. And if you’re looking to make your trip a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience, then look no further.

Your dream holiday has been brought to life thanks to Abercrombie and Kent, whose pre-planned journeys are already world-renowned for their extravagance and emphasis on balancing both adventure and leisure. So if you’d like to travel privately through Cambodia while staying at some of the most luxurious accommodation the country has to offer, they have you sorted.

The Journey On The Mekong tour will see you venturing from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh in the upmost style, while allowing you to indulge in and embrace the rich history, traditions and food that make up the heart of the Cambodian culture.

Take in the picturesque beauty that the landscape of the Mekong has to offer onboard the Aqua Mekong, a wholly sustainably-built ship. Lounge in one of the 20 luxury suites or enjoy a movie in the cinema, a dip in the plunge pool or treatment in the spa.

When you’re not residing within the river’s stunning surrounds, you’ll be residing in the Rosewood Hotel and Phum Baitang, both as opulent as the other, situated in the hubbub of of the city bustle of Phnom Penh and the lush landscapes Siem Reap, respectively.

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You’ll be privately escorted around Cambodia’s most famous historical and cultural sites, so look forward to taking in the marvellous Angkor Wat, the fascinating Tuol Sleng Museum and everything in between. You’ll conserves with the locals, share in traditions and be immersed in Cambodian life.

No matter what wishes you have for a dream Southeast Asian journey, this private journey will fulfil them all.

You can explore Cambodia by booking here.

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