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Feel the Vibes – Increase Spiritual Vibration in These Four Steps

Feel the Vibes – Increase Spiritual Vibration in These Four Steps

Some people believe that vibrational energy is more spiritual than scientific, but the science backs it up.

Every single thing in the universe is made up of energy, including you – your thoughts, emotions, and actions all generate frequencies that contribute to your overall vibration. The higher your vibration, the more aligned you are with your true self and your purpose in life.

Vibrations are rhythmic, and can be attributed to different rhythmic patterns that occur in the body, such as your circadian rhythm, the heart pumping and breathing. There are other, microscopic vibrations constantly occurring within the body too! Your cells, molecules and the atoms that make them up are constantly moving, even though we may not feel it.

These tiny movements create electromagnetic energy waves within the body. It has been found that these vibrations and the energy created by them can cause your cells to change, which can affect how your body works.

The connection between your feelings, thoughts and emotions and these vibrations is evident, with researchers long-acknowledging the link between thoughts and behaviours affecting the rhythms of the body. Experts in the vibrational energy field believe that our thoughts and actions can alter even the smallest rhythms. They think that changing these micro-vibrations can ripple outward, impacting our physical health and mental state.

There is space for further research to be done in this field, and as studies progress, more will be unlocked about the connection between vibration and our wellbeing.

There are many ways to raise, or even lower, your personal vibration but here are four of the most effective.

Connect with nature

Spend time in nature, surrounded by the beauty and peace of the natural world. Whether it be spending time floating in the salty ocean, traipsing through the trees in a national park or sitting in the backyard watching native birds flit about, connecting with the earth will never fail to improve your mood. This will help you to connect with the frequencies of the earth and raising your own vibration in the process.

Spend time with positive people

It’s no secret that the people you spend time with have a huge impact on your own frequencies.  If you surround ourselves with negative, draining people, it will bring your frequencies down, creating dissonance and discord in your life. But if you spend time with positive, high-vibration people that emit frequencies of joy, love, and happiness, it will increase your frequencies as the positive vibrations are enhanced.

Meditation and yoga

Both meditation and yoga help to still the mind and connect us with our higher selves. This connection allows us to access higher frequencies and brings us into alignment with our true purpose in life. By practising these activities regularly, you can help to align your frequencies with those of the universe and receive guidance from your intuition. Taking time to focus on deep breathing and listening to your true self will help connect yourself to a higher plane.

Listen to uplifting music

Music is one of the most powerful tools for raising your vibration. Music is made up of frequencies, which are vibrations of sound. When you listen to music, those frequencies enter your body and raise your personal vibration. Uplifting music with high frequencies can help you feel joy, love, and happiness, while lower frequencies can help you feel relaxed and calm. In addition to raising your personal vibration, listening to music can also help to balance our emotions and energise our bodies.

No matter which way, the activities thought to increase your vibrational energy also happen to be key cornerstones of holistic health, many of which are tried and true practices of both modern and ancient human lifestyles.

By taking steps to raise your personal vibration, you open yourself up to more joy, abundance, and success in your life, with an increased capacity to leave behind anger, stress and negative feelings.

Every single thing in the universe is made up of energy, including you – your thoughts, emotions, and actions all generate frequencies that contribute to your overall vibration. The higher your vibration, the more aligned you are with your true self and your purpose in life.

Vibrations are rhythmic, and can be attributed to different rhythmic patterns that occur in the body, such as your circadian rhythm, the heart pumping and breathing. There are other, microscopic vibrations constantly occurring within the body too! Your cells, molecules and the atoms that make them up are constantly moving, even though we may not feel it.

These tiny movements create electromagnetic energy waves within the body. It has been found that these vibrations and the energy created by them can cause your cells to change, which can affect how your body works.

The connection between your feelings, thoughts and emotions and these vibrations is evident, with researchers long-acknowledging the link between thoughts and behaviours affecting the rhythms of the body. Experts in the vibrational energy field believe that our thoughts and actions can alter even the smallest rhythms. They think that changing these micro-vibrations can ripple outward, impacting our physical health and mental state.

There is space for further research to be done in this field, and as studies progress, more will be unlocked about the connection between vibration and our wellbeing.

There are many ways to raise, or even lower, your personal vibration but here are four of the most effective.

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Connect with nature

Spend time in nature, surrounded by the beauty and peace of the natural world. Whether it be spending time floating in the salty ocean, traipsing through the trees in a national park or sitting in the backyard watching native birds flit about, connecting with the earth will never fail to improve your mood. This will help you to connect with the frequencies of the earth and raising your own vibration in the process.

Spend time with positive people

It’s no secret that the people you spend time with have a huge impact on your own frequencies.  If you surround ourselves with negative, draining people, it will bring your frequencies down, creating dissonance and discord in your life. But if you spend time with positive, high-vibration people that emit frequencies of joy, love, and happiness, it will increase your frequencies as the positive vibrations are enhanced.

Meditation and yoga

Both meditation and yoga help to still the mind and connect us with our higher selves. This connection allows us to access higher frequencies and brings us into alignment with our true purpose in life. By practising these activities regularly, you can help to align your frequencies with those of the universe and receive guidance from your intuition. Taking time to focus on deep breathing and listening to your true self will help connect yourself to a higher plane.

Listen to uplifting music

Music is one of the most powerful tools for raising your vibration. Music is made up of frequencies, which are vibrations of sound. When you listen to music, those frequencies enter your body and raise your personal vibration. Uplifting music with high frequencies can help you feel joy, love, and happiness, while lower frequencies can help you feel relaxed and calm. In addition to raising your personal vibration, listening to music can also help to balance our emotions and energise our bodies.

No matter which way, the activities thought to increase your vibrational energy also happen to be key cornerstones of holistic health, many of which are tried and true practices of both modern and ancient human lifestyles.

By taking steps to raise your personal vibration, you open yourself up to more joy, abundance, and success in your life, with an increased capacity to leave behind anger, stress and negative feelings.

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