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Four Favourite Wineries From Adelaide’s Wine Region

Four Favourite Wineries From Adelaide’s Wine Region

Adelaide is quickly emerging as one of Australia’s top wine regions, and for good reason. The city’s mild climate and diverse soils make it ideal for growing a variety of grapes, and the region is home to some of the country’s best wineries. Here are four of the top wineries in Adelaide that you won’t want to miss.

First on the list is Penfolds, one of Australia’s most iconic wineries. Founded in 1844, Penfolds has a long history of producing high-quality wines, and today it is known for its flagship Grange Shiraz. If you’re looking for a truly unique wine-tasting experience, be sure to check out Penfolds’ Cellar Door, where you can tour the cellars and taste wines that are not available anywhere else.

Next on the list is Henschke, another Adelaide icon. Henschke is best known for its hillside shiraz, which is grown in some of the highest vineyards in the city. The combination of elevation and terroir produces a wine that is truly unique, and Henschke’s cellar door is the perfect place to sample it.

If you’re interested in trying something a little different, third on our list is O’Leary Walker Wines. O’Leary Walker specialises in alternative varieties such as riesling and pinot gris, and their approachable style makes them a great choice for first-time wine drinkers. Be sure to try the Adelaide Hills riesling, which has been hailed as one of Australia’s best white wines.

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Finally, no visit to Adelaide would be complete without a stop at d’Arenberg. d’Arenberg is one of the region’s most popular tourist destinations, thanks to its stunning setting and world-class wines. The d’Arenberg Cube is a must-see; this unique structure houses a tasting room, restaurant, cellar door, and museum, all under one roof. Be sure to try the Dead Arm Shiraz, d’Arenberg’s flagship wine.

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