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Jura; The French Wine Region You Haven’t Heard About

Jura; The French Wine Region You Haven’t Heard About

Jura is one of France’s lesser known wine regions, making it feel like one of the country’s few-remaining untouched areas. Located in the east of France, nestled between Switzerland and Burgundy, this wine region is characterised with rolling hills, and picturesque vineyards.

Jura’s wines are among France’s finests. They express the old-world nature of France’s wine producing culture; traditional and untainted by industrial agricultural practices. Jura produces incredible Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. 

Jura is particularly well known for their white wine varieties, as they use a uniquely traditional approach. The wine producer allows for a thin layer of yeast to grow on the surface of the wine in the barrel as it ages, which produces a savoury character. 

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If you’re looking to explore the lesser known side of France’s wine producing regions, Jura is for you!

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