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The Southern Highlands; Your Weekend Getaway

The Southern Highlands; Your Weekend Getaway

The Southern Highlands of New South Wales are filled with rolling hills, beautiful scenery and a growing reputation for producing exquisite wines. Whether you’re a budding oenologist, or just looking to experience some local flavours and stunning views, here are three wineries that should be on your list of places to visit in the southern highlands: Centennial Vineyards, Kangaloon Estate and Tertini Wines.

Centennial Vineyards produces award-winning wines as well as offering tours and tastings so you can experience their iconic range featuring shiraz/cabernet sauvignon blends and semillon/sauvignon blanc blends.

At Kangaloon Estate take some time to explore around their historic homestead before tasting their unique reserve wines produced from the vineyard’s oldest vines.

For those looking for something totally unique, Tertini Wines offers classically Aussie sparkling drinks made from fruit blessed by the Gumtree Gods – perfect for sunny picnics underneath the gum trees! Whatever you choose, the Southern Highlands has plenty of delicious vino to explore.

See Also
The Art of Pairing Wine with Gourmet Cuisine

Just a few hours drive south of Sydney, why not visit the Southern Highlands for your perfect weekend winery getaway!

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