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Thinking of Starting Pilates?

Thinking of Starting Pilates?

Have you ever wondered what’s so good about Pilates?

Pilates has experienced a recent resurgence in popularity across all ages for its incredible benefits to both your body, and your mental wellbeing. This is because it’s a low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles, whilst simultaneously improving flexibility, posture and endurance.

Pilates is also a full body workout, typically increasing abdominal endurance, hamstring flexibility and upper-body muscular endurance. You can expect slow, careful movements and breath control. 

One of the most attractive features of pilates is its flexibility; it can be adapted to any fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or a master of the craft, pilates is adaptable to your fitness needs. You can also do pilates from home! Whilst in person classes are a great way to get involved in pilates, with the potential addition of equipment, you can follow Pilates videos on YouTube from wherever! Plus, while some people use equipment for pilates, you definitely don’t require equipment to complete the workout. 

Pilates also has significant mental health benefits. Practising Pilates has been found to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue, with the addition of increased energy and focus. This is because Pilates emphasises the mind-body connection, calming the mind and increasing your focus. 

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If you have tried Yoga before, Pilates is similar in that it involves slow, precise movements and focus. However, Yoga has a greater focus on meditation and flexibility, whilst Pilates places a greater emphasis on building strength throughout the body, whilst building flexibility. 

No wonder Pilates is so popular!

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