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What’s Special About Warm Climate Wines?

What’s Special About Warm Climate Wines?

Whilst most wines are produced in fairly cool conditions, some of the world’s top-quality wines are only produced in warm climates across the globe. 

But what makes these warm climate wines so special?

Warm climate wines are so unique as warmer weather allows sweetness and intensity. 

Warm climate vineyards are mostly found across ‘New World’ producing countries, like the USA and Australia – which differ from ‘Old World’ producing climates found in areas such as Bordeaux. 

Warmer weather greatly impacts the taste and character of the grapes produced. For example, warm weather wines tend to be sweeter, riper and usually fruity. They aren’t as acidic, again lending themself to a softer, smoother taste. The amount of sweetness also relates to the alcohol levels within the wine, thus creating an intense, bold taste. 

See Also
Behind the Vines: A Look at the Winemaking Process from Grape to Glass

An especially unique characteristic of wines produced in warmer climates is their increased glycerol levels. Glycerol is a product of wine which occurs during yeast fermentation, and relates to the texture of wine. A higher glycerol level tends to make the wine smoother and oilier.

It is also mostly red varieties that are produced in warm climates!

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