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What’s The Difference Between ‘New’ And ‘Old’ World Wine Producing Countries

What’s The Difference Between ‘New’ And ‘Old’ World Wine Producing Countries

Wine production is an art that differs from new world to old world producers. 

New world producers typically refer to those countries that have begun making and exporting wines in the past 150 years or so, such as the U.S., Australia and Argentina. These new world wines display bold and intense flavours, with a strong emphasis on oak ageing. 

Old world wine producers, such as those found in Italy, France and Germany, typically have more refined flavours while concentrating on highlighting grape varietal character. Here there is a great emphasis on terroir and viticultural methods that utilise the available microclimates for producing wines with distinct characteristics.

A main difference between new world and old world wines is the methodology used in terms of winemaking. Whereas new-world wine-producers often implement more advanced technological processes to ensure consistency; old world producers typically go for a more traditional approach to winemaking – utilising some of their age-old practices that have been passed down over generations. 

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The major differentiating factor between new and old world wines comes down to terroir; new world producers favour approaches more focused on manipulating grape varieties to produce more consistent results across vintages and offerings. Compared with old world winemaking styles using traditional methods passed down from generation to generation that are often more inclined towards craftsmanship and finesse over power or weight.

In any case, both new world and old world wines can offer enjoyable experiences for their respective drinkers.

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