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Explaining ‘Japandi’: The Latest Trend in Design

Explaining ‘Japandi’: The Latest Trend in Design

Why this fusion of styles has found recent popularity world-wide.

Although confusing at first glance, the name Japandi is a combination of Japan and Scandinavia- and its design principles personify these two styles in harmony.

Japanese and Scandinavian styles embody similar foundations, including minimalism, functionality, and unconventional beauty, so merging these two approaches into one appears to be a natural progression. Alternatively referred to as ‘Minimalist Zen’, the ultimate goal with Japandi style is to craft a liveable and de-stressing space.

Muted colour palettes are a staple in this approach to interiors, with a particular appreciation for greys, off-whites, and taupes. The appreciation of natural textures is also prevalent, notably with wooden walls and furniture detailing. As Scandinavian style favours light and warm timber tones, while Japanese style welcomes deep and rich timbers, the Japandi style subsequently incorporates various organic shades.  

Inspired by the ideas of Zen design principles, Japandi prioritises the arrangement of spaces into an open-plan, functional, and spacious experience. The Scandinavian style fundamentals of the home being a sanctuary-like provider of comfort also ensures that Japandi arranges décor in a meaningful, thoughtful manner.

Complementary to the neutral colour palette and wooden motifs, unique artistry and natural textures are encouraged throughout the space. Imperfect, hand-made furnishings such as tables or dining-ware are exemplary of this concept. Natural light and flora are also preferred over artificial sources or fake plants.

Finally, one of Japandi’s most essential ethics focuses on sustainability and the long-term use of design investments. Rather than cycling through pieces based on popularity or replacing items regularly due to poor craftsmanship, the style encourages an environmentally conscious approach to design. 

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As the marriage of two design styles from across the world, Japandi has a universal appeal due to its intention to find beauty in simplicity.

By Adele Szaters

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