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Five Wine Cocktail Recipes to Serve at Christmas Lunch!

Five Wine Cocktail Recipes to Serve at Christmas Lunch!

Fun wine cocktails are the perfect summer drink for a Christmas lunch! Here are five recipes to get you started:

1) The Classic: wine + club soda + bitters. This is a refreshing and easy-to-make cocktail that can be enjoyed any time of day. Simply combine wine, club soda, and bitters in a glass and enjoy.

2) The Spritzer: wine + citrus juice + sparkling water. This is a tart and refreshing cocktail that is perfect for summer days. Simply combine wine, citrus juice, and sparkling water in a glass and enjoy.

3) The Mimosa: wine + orange juice. This classic brunch cocktail is easy to make and always enjoyable. Simply combine wine and orange juice in a glass and enjoy.

4) The Sangria: wine + fruit + liqueur. This fruity and flavorful cocktail is perfect for parties or gatherings. Simply combine wine, fruit, and liqueur in a pitcher or punch bowl and enjoy.

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5) The Aperitif: wine + liqueur + soda water or sparkling wine. This is a classic pre-dinner cocktail that is perfect for sipping on while you wait for dinner to be ready. Simply combine wine, liqueur, and soda water or sparkling wine in a glass and enjoy.

Merry Christmas!

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