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How to Make a Top-Tier Charcuterie Board

How to Make a Top-Tier Charcuterie Board

Crafting perfect charcuterie boards for guests is an artform… If you have the right combination of foods. It can be difficult to get the perfect food and wine pairing, and even harder to make them look nice together! 

Here is our guide to creating the perfect charcuterie board with wine pairings. 

What should you include in it?

Most charcuterie boards include cheese, preserved meats, dried and fresh fruits, nuts, olives, bread, crackers, and spreads, such as honey, jam, and olive oil. 

What types of cheese should you use?

You should generally include at least three kinds of cheeses, varying in texture, taste and acidity. Some examples include fresh cheeses, like ricotta, aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano, as well as softer cheeses like Brie cheese.

Which wines should you pair with the board?

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The wine choice must balance with the salt and acidity levels of the charcuterie board. The more salty foods will counteract high levels of acidity and tannins in wine. 

Generally, the wine should always be more acidic than the food you are serving. So, bold red wines with high tannins or white wines with high acidity are always a good option. 

Impress your guests with the perfect charcuterie board! 

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