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Six TED Talks to Change Your Life

Six TED Talks to Change Your Life

There are TED Talks on just about every topic imaginable, but some of the most popular ones are those that have the power to change your life. TED Talks are a great way to learn about new ideas and gain different perspectives – here are six of the best that might shift the way you look at yourself, others and the world around you.

The Surprising Science of Happiness – Dan Gilbert

It is no secret that we often refer to our life as a journey to find true happiness, with countless options and paths to take to find it. In his Ted Talk, Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert proposes the idea of two basic components of happiness, the happiness we find ourselves upon and the happiness we create for ourselves. Watch on to discover the truth of finding happiness for yourself.

My 12 Pairs of Legs – Aimee Mullins

Activist, athlete and actor Aimee Mullins is redefining what the body can be by talking about her prosthetic legs. For her, they are a superpower, granting her speed, agility, grace, and even a choice of five different heights! This inspiring talk dispels any misconceptions about having prosthetics, disrupts society’s vision of beauty and discusses how prosthetic limbs can even become pieces of art. 

5 Ways to Listen Better – Julian Treasure

“We are losing our listening” says sound expert Julian Treasure. This talk explains the importance of active listening and how it can improve our relationships and communication skills. Treasure explains why we are losing our ability to listen and offers five ways to improve active, conscious listening. Listen up and listen well to strengthen your relationships, and understand the world around you on a deeper level.

What Does It Take to Change A Mind – Lucinda Beaman

Lucinda Beaman, a fact checker at Australian online news source The Conversation, knows all too well the conflict between fact and belief. In her 2018 Ted Talk, she offers a framework to better understand how we process the information we receive and how we can more deeply connect with those who may disagree with us. 

What Adults Can Learn From Kids – Adora Svitak

When was the last time you were called childish? The opening line for this insightful Ted Talk by 12-year-old Adora Svitak makes you wonder what is so bad about being child-like in the first place. She talks about how children see the world from a completely different point of view, and how they don’t see obstacles the same way adults do. This talk teaches adults to learn more from children, and to be open to hearing what they have to teach us.

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Nourishing the Body and Soul: Exploring Mindful Movement Practices for Enhanced Well-Being

My Year of Saying Yes to Everything – Shonda Rhimes

Acclaimed actress Shonda Rhimes, star of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, takes us into the depths of her world as she undertakes a life-altering journey for a year. Shonda’s “Year of Yes”, wherein she would say yes to any opportunity that scared her or got her out of her comfort zone, took her to places she would never imagine in her life. Watch as she finds deeper meaning in her life, and get inspired to step out of your comfort zone.

Get inspired, get motivated, and change your life by watching through these incredible Ted Talks. Check out the Ted Talks website and browse through hundreds of incredible presentations.

By Sarah Panther

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