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The Classic Cheese and Wine Pairings

The Classic Cheese and Wine Pairings

Pairing cheese and wine can be a fun and delicious adventure. Whether you’re hosting an intimate dinner party or sampling a variety of cheeses, there’s a perfect match for each one. With wines ranging from sweet Rieslings to full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignons, the options are virtually endless.

For soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert, try pairing them with a fruity dessert wines, including Pinot Noir or Beaujolais, but for something lighter a Rosé will match wonderfully.

Semi-hard cheese such as Gouda pairs best with light reds like Merlot or Zinfandel, while sharper cheeses like Cheddar need bold reds like Syrah or Malbec.

Hard Cheeses, like Cheddar, Comté, Manchego and Parmigiano-Reggiano, go perfectly with red wines, ones not too light and not too heavy are your best choices – Cabernet Sauvignon and Rioja or Chardonnay accompanies cheddar delightfully.

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Blue cheeses aren’t for everybody, but if you’re one for their unique taste, a Stilton, Roquefort or Gorgonzola paired with Port or Stilton are classic companions. If you wanted to try something outside of wine, try a sweet sherry or sloe gin.

They key to finding the perfect combination is experimenting until you find one that suits you and your palate – some great pairings may surprise you!

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