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3 Ways to Work From Home in Luxury

3 Ways to Work From Home in Luxury

More than ever before, we’re finding ourselves working from home.

While that may instantly correlate to comfort for some people, it can mean old desk chairs and the dinner table as an office desk for others. 

With working from home due to stick around for years to come, now is the time to upgrade your makeshift office space into something more luxurious. 

Here are 3 ways to add an element of luxury to your working from home arrangement. 

1. Comfortable set up 

Working from home gives you the chance to bypass the en-masse furniture of our offices for something that offers more comfort for your body. 

Forget rigid plastic chairs and trestle tables used as desks – invest in quality office furniture that actually supports your body rather than inflicting it with aches and pains. An office chair featuring the appropriate cushioning, height settings and inclination is vital, as is a desk set up that allows you to work without restriction. 

2. Find the right location 

For some of us, a dedicated working space at home does not just appear right before our eyes. It can take some tinkering and serious room readjustment to create a space that we can mentally designate as for work only.

However, curating your own working sanctuary that fosters productivity and creativity is a necessary luxury. 

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If you are lucky enough to have a spare room in your home, convert it into your own office for a space that truly feels like it is for work only. Alternatively, you can reshuffle your current furniture arrange to create a working space that works best for you, whether that be in a quiet corner or near a window into your garden.

3. Add your own unique touch 

Working from home may sound fun, but before long it can become as repetitive as the everyday commute into the office. 

Make your WFH space your own with little accents that add an element of luxury. Think a plush cushion to support your back, a soft, shaggy rug under your desk or a portable cooling and heating unit to maintain the perfect temperature. Luxury for you could mean a comprehensive tech set up such as opting for two monitors, investing in noise cancelling headphones or setting in a Zoom-ready web cam. It could even be a set of monogrammed materials for taking notes in style! 

Whatever working from home set up you are looking to achieve, these three tips can add instant luxury to your everyday work. 

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