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Eating with the Seasons: Delicious and Nutritious Autumn Produce in Australia

Eating with the Seasons: Delicious and Nutritious Autumn Produce in Australia

Autumn is a wonderful time for fresh produce in Australia, with a variety of delicious fruits and vegetables in season. Eating seasonal produce is not only delicious but also good for your health, as it is typically fresher and more nutritious; focusing on whole foods is one of the key factors in maintaining a balanced diet. Here are some fruits and veggies to look out for during autumn:

Apples: Autumn is the peak season for apples in Australia, with a wide
variety of types available. Apples are a great source of fibre, vitamin C, and
antioxidants, and are so versatile you can have it sweet or savoury!
They’re delicious in pies, crumbles, and salads.
Pears: Another fruit that’s abundant during autumn in Australia is the
pear. Pears are a tasty source of fibre, vitamin C, and copper, and are
perfect to be eaten fresh, baked, or poached.
Persimmons: Persimmons are a unique and flavourful fruit that is in
season during autumn. They are a good source of fibre, vitamin A, and
antioxidants, and are delicious in salads, baked goods, or eaten on their
Pumpkin: Pumpkins are a staple of autumn in Australia, with many
varieties available for cooking and baking. Pumpkins are filled with fibre,
vitamin A, and potassium and there are endless ways to enjoy it! You can
use it in your soups, stews, and roasted dishes.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are another delicious and nutritious
vegetable that is in season during autumn. They are a good source of
fibre, vitamin A, and potassium, and are delicious roasted, mashed, or
used in soups and stews.
Beetroot: Beetroot is a very nutrient-dense vegetable. It’s packed with
fibre, vitamin C, and iron and can be roasted, pickled, or simply thrown in
your salads.

Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are a nutritious and delicious vegetable
in season during autumn. They are a good source of fibre, vitamin C, and
vitamin K, and are perfect roasted, sautéed, or used in salads.

Now that you know what’s in season this autumn, here are some beautiful
seasonal recipes to try out!

Eating seasonal produce not only ensures that you are eating the freshest and
most nutritious fruits and vegetables, but it also supports local farmers and reduces the environmental impact of transporting food long distances.

See Also
Melbourne’s Hidden Gardens

Incorporating autumnal produce into your diet can not only make your meals
more delicious but also help boost your overall health and wellbeing. The benefits are endless when it comes to fresh produce this season!

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