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Get summer snacking with these healthy recipes

Get summer snacking with these healthy recipes

With the start of a new year comes an exciting opportunity to create new routines and habits. If better eating is one of the habits you’re looking to make, look no further than these five summer snacks! Delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make, these snacks are sure to help you start off 2023 on the right foot.

Yogurt popsicles: Yogurt popsicles provide a nutritious boost of energy and can be made with any kind of yogurt – Greek, regular, or dairy free. Simply fill popsicle moulds with yogurt and freeze until solid. For extra flavour, mix in honey or other fruit before freezing. Enjoy your homemade frozen treat any time of day. It makes for a perfect breakfast on a hot summer morning, 

Homemade granola bars: Homemade granola bars are full of protein and fibre, making them an ideal snack for those looking for energy without the added sugar rush from store-bought versions. You can use any grain or nut as the base for your bars and add seeds, dried fruit, honey or maple syrup for sweetness and texture. Bake low at 140 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden brown then enjoy! Check out this awesome recipe by the Glycaemic Index Foundation for a healthy, low-GI version! 

Roasted chickpeas: Roasted chickpeas make an excellent source of plant-based protein while also providing plenty of fibre to keep you feeling fuller for longer after snacking. To make these tasty treats simply toss a drained can of chickpeas in a bit of olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cumin, ground coriander seeds (or other spices) then bake at 190 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes until crispy. Enjoy these crunchy bites as is or add them onto salads or as a base for a meat-free curry for extra texture!                                                                                                                                             

Frozen banana bites: Frozen banana bites offer a delicious way to cool down on hot summer days while still getting some essential nutrition into your diet. Slice up bananas into three-centimetre slices then dip each slice in melted dark chocolate before freezing on a baking paper-lined baking sheet overnight (or at least 3 hours). These little treats are sure to help satisfy any sweet cravings while giving you some much needed energy throughout the day!

With these simple snacks you’ll be well on your way to having a delicious summer full of good-for-you foods that will help you start 2023 off right! These healthy and easy-to-make snacks offer something special for every craving, without compromising nutrition or flavour. Go ahead and enjoy this new year without worrying about sacrificing taste for health benefits!

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By Sarah Panther

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